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School Improvement Plan

Goal 2: Whole Child, Thriving, Confident, Responsible Individuals

Focus Area: No Exclusionary Discipline

Spring 2022: 98% of Silver Lake scholars have received no exclusionary discipline

Goal for the 2022-23 School Year: All groups are above 99% 

Focus Area: Regular Attendance

Spring 2022: 46% of Silver Lake scholars attended school regularly.

Goal for the 2022-23 School Year: All groups are above 90% in regular attendance. 

Signature Strategies:

  • Create, communicate, and implement culturally responsive PBIS/CRPBIS systems that increase scholar voice in restorative practices and access to core instruction by decreasing time out of class and/or school.

  • Collaborate with families in authentic ways (e.g. Parent Advisories, Family Academies, Family Nights, translated materials, videos in multiple languages, home visits) across languages and cultures to integrate family funds of knowledge into school systems and help families understand available services, advocate for their scholar's needs, and support their scholar's learning.

  • Engage in effective two-way communication in multiple languages to eliminate barriers to opportunities (i.e. SLCs-Student Led Conferences, translated materials, interpretation at events and listening sessions).

Goal 4: Content-Area Competence, Mastery of All Subjects

Focus Area: ELA SBA

Spring 2022: 35% 

Goal for the 2022-23 School Year: 58%

Focus Area: Math SBA

Spring 2022: 24% 

Goal for the 2022-23 School Year: 52%

Signature Strategies:  

  • Design, implement, and monitor a Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) to adhere and respond to academic and social-emotional needs of students toward mastery of core subjects.

  • Ensure ALL student-scholars FIRST engage in standard-aligned, culturally responsive, high-quality core curriculum, instruction, and learning aligned to the Instructional Framework.

  • Build capacity of teachers, leaders, and school staff to utilize their knowledge of scholars, backwards planning, and the PLC framework to determine what scholars need to know, how they will know scholars are learning it, how they will respond when scholars do not learn, and how they will respond if the scholar already knows it.